Article in Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2003; I Siev-Ner, D Gamus, L Lerner-Geva and A Achiron

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of reflexology on symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis.

This study looked specifically at muscle strength, spasticity, paraesthesia and bladder dysfunction as these are common symptoms of multiple sclerosis. 53 people with multiple sclerosis took part in the study. 27 of these received specific reflexology treatment while the other 26 were the control group. The control group received non-specific massage of their calves.

Patients received 45 minutes of treatment every week for 11 weeks. Participants were assessed before treatment, after 6 weeks, at the finish of treatment and again 3 months later. There were significant improvements in the reflexology group in measures of paraesthesia, urinary symptoms, muscle strength and spasticity. There were no significant improvements in the control group. The improvement in the intensity of paraesthesia remained at 3 months post treatment.

This study indicates that reflexology is a safe and has positive benefits for people with multiple sclerosis.


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